地球系统科学论坛第488期:Giorgio Pennacchioni教授学术报告会
应地学院曹淑云教授邀请,意大利著名大学帕多瓦大学(Universita’ degli Studi di Padova)地球科学学院Giorgio Pennacchioni教授来我校访问并做学术交流。
报告题目:"韧性剪切带成核" (nucleation of ductile shear zones)
Giorgio Pennacchioni教授简介:
Giorgio Pennacchioni is full professor at the Department of Geosciences of the Padua University (Italy). He is a structural geologist and his research interests have spanned from the field of brittle deformation to the ductile field. The basis of his research has been the field work in most cases, with the integration of the study by numerical modeling (FEM), rock-analogue experiments, and the analysis of natural deformed rocks with different types of microstructural (EBSD, computer-integrated polarization microscopy, X-ray texture goniometry, cathodoluminescence) and petrographical studies (e.g. SIMS, EMPA, Raman). The main current research is focused on the following topics: 1)Pseudotachylytes and mylonites. This study is aimed at understanding the origin of deep-seated earthquakes in high-temperature rocks. 2)Microstructural development and deformation mechanism of quartz in mylonitic rocks. Quartz is a major mineral component of crustal rocks and its deformation behavior is considered to control the mechanical properties of large portions of the Earth crust. Quartz behavior is dramatically influenced by the presence of fluids and this study especially aims at comparing the different evolution of natural quartz mylonites in water-rich and water-deficient environments. 3)Strain localization during high-temperature deformation and, in particular, the process of shear zone nucleation. Deformation is commonly heterogeneously distributed across the entire lithosphere and strain partitioning occurs at all scales. However, strain partitioning is far to be understood. This line of research aims at contributing to unravel this fundamental process during deformation and, in particular, to highlight the strong influence of compositional and structural precursor heterogeneities in the process of initial strain localization.分别在Nature, Science, EPSL,Geology, GSA Bulletin,Lithos, JSG等国际高影响地学杂志上发表文章70余篇。
Amphibolite-facies ductile shear zone in a meta-granitoid (eastern Italian Alps).