
美国夏威夷大学Christopher J. Bae教授学术报告会


地球系统科学论坛第490期:Christopher J. Bae教授学术报告会

应地球科学学院洪汉烈教授、珠宝学院王朝文博士邀请,美国夏威夷大学(University of Hawai’i)人类学系Christopher J. Bae教授来我校访问并做学术交流。



报告题目:The Origin of Modern Humans: A View From Eastern Asia

Christopher J. Bae教授介绍:

Christopher J. Bae is a Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Over the course of the past quarter century he has worked extensively on various paleoanthropological research projects in China, Korea, and Japan. To date, he has published about 85 pieces, including seven edited volumes or special issues of journals and more than 60 publications in peer reviewed journals.


Over the past half century, the origin of modern humans has been one of the most debated topics in paleoanthropology. Although the African and European late Middle to Late Pleistocene paleoanthropological records are relatively well known, one region of the Old World that has continually hindered resolving the modern human origins debate has been the paucity of studies coming out of eastern Asia. Fortunately, due to the increase in multidisciplinary research programs in places like China our understanding of the complexities of the human evolutionary record during the tail end of the Quaternary is becoming better understood. Here, I review what we currently know about the eastern Asian record and discuss findings from Guangxi that we are contributing to this debate.


