地球系统科学论坛第498期:Brigitte Meyer-Berthaud博士学术报告会
应地球科学学院地球生物系喻建新教授邀请,法国蒙波利尔大学Brigitte Meyer-Berthaud来我校访问并做学术报告。
报告题目:Devonian Trees, Paleoenvironments, PCO2and Climate-Modeling Approaches
报告人简介:Brigitte Meyer-Berthaud received her PhD in Mon University. Now She works at “the Botany and Modeling of Plants Architecture and Vegetation” Lab. in Mon University as the Director of Research at French National Centre for Scientific Research (C.N.R.S.). Her main interests are:(1)Reconstruction of the vegetal morphologies known in the Middle and Late Paleozoic;(2)Highlight the morphological, anatomical innovations characteristic of the main phyla of plants;(3)Describe the morphological disparity leading to the first complex ecosystems in the history of the Earth;(4)Better characterize the plant taxa and their distribution to test the paleogeographic and paleoclimate models. These works are based on the research of new fossil plants on the field or in the collections stored in museums and universities; they are mainly focused on the fossils from the Gondwana(North and East margins of this paleocontinent).