
印度理工学院Sukanta Dey博士学术报告会


地球系统科学论坛第539期:印度理工学院Sukanta Dey博士学术报告会

应地球科学学院刘勇胜教授邀请,印度理工学院Sukanta Dey博士来校访问并做学术报告。

报告时间: 6月20日(周二)下午3点


报告题目:Archaean evolution of the Dharwar craton and its correlation with the north China craton

报告人简介:Dr Sukanta Dey is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Geology, Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad, India. His research interest is Precambrian crustal evolution. He uses geological mapping, elemental and Nd isotope geochemistry, and zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotope (including detrital zircon) study on Archaean granite-greenstone belts of Dharwar and Singhbhum cratons of India. His research aims to unravel events of juvenile crustal addition and crustal reworking, their global significance, nature of crust-mantle interaction and tectonics of the early Earth. He is also interested in tectonics of the vast Proterozoic platform basins of India and contemporaneous surface processes. He has published in journals like Gondwana Research, Precambrian Research, Geological Society London Memoir and Special Publications, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Acta Geologica Sinica, and Journal and Memoir of the Geological Society of India.



