应地球科学学院黄春菊教授邀请,荷兰乌得勒支大学Poppe de Boer教授将来我校作学校报告。此次报告,是国际沉积学会(IAS)组织的全球知名沉积地质学家巡回演讲(IAS Special Lecture Tour 2016-2017)中国站第一场学术报告。
报告题目:1)Modern versus ancient controls on sedimentary systems; the present is not always the key to the past
2)Orbital (Milankovitch) cycles: pathways for the transfer of orbital signals into the sedimentary record
报告人简介:Poppe de Boer教授现在是荷兰乌得勒支大学荣誉教授,2010-2014年曾担任国际沉积学会主席。发表了大量的关于潮汐影响的沉积相、富含有机质的沉积相以及沉积过程中的天文轨道信号方面的文章和专辑。目前的研究兴趣涉及灾害性事件,现今在干旱环境中发展的温室,潮汐相和沉积系统。
报告内容简介: 1)The basic idea of uniformitarianism dating back to the late 18th century - when Hutton, Whewell, Lyell and others proposed the idea of uniformitarianism in contrast to catastrophism. The idea is that physical and chemical laws have not changed, and that in the distant past sedimentary processes have acted as they do today. However, obviously all kinds of controls have changed and varied in the course of geological time. E.g. the rate of eustatic sea-level change has varied, with rates up to a metre per 100 years during icehouse periods and rates several orders of magnitude (s)lower during greenhouse periods. Such differences lead to a different response of sedimentary systems.
2) The recognition of orbital signals in sediments often focuses on the (statistical) recognition of cycle patterns. This lecture concentrates on the transfer mechanisms of orbital signals (from decennial to multi-millennial scale) through climate and oceanography, into different sedimentary environments and facies; from alluvial fans to the deep sea.