
美国康奈尔大学Larry Brown教授学术报告会


地球系统科学论坛第546期:Larry Brown教授学术报告会

    应地球科学学院全球大地构造中心Timothy Kusky教授邀请,美国康奈尔大学Larry Brown教授来我校访问并做学术报告。

    报告时间:2017年9月14日(周四) 下午15:00


    报告题目:The frontiers of reflection seismology: Crustal structure, earthquakes and mineral deposits


    Larry Brown is a geophysicist who works with both active and passive source seismic data to understand regions of active mountain growth and lithospheric structure of former super continents. He is particularly interested in the potential of 3D and 4D seismic methods for detailing, and perhaps even monitoring, physical characteristics at seismogenic depths. Likewise, the integration of so-called “controlled source” techniques (e.g., reflection and refraction profiling) with “passive” recording of both local and distant earthquakes is of interest. Finally, he also uses high resolution shallow imaging with acoustic sources and ground penetrating radar to study a variety of archeological and environmental problems. In addition to planning and carrying out in field surveys, his group is also engaged in modeling the seismic response of possible earthquake fault configurations/properties using both 2D and 3D raytracing software. He has worked in Tibet, Taiwan, Central America, Japan, Nepal, India, Russia, and the United States. He has published research papers in the international journals including Science, Geology, Tectonics and GSA Bulletin.




