
德国汉诺威莱布尼兹大学Jakub Ciazela博士学术报告


地球系统科学论坛第569期:Jakub Ciazela博士学术报告

   应地球科学学院汪在聪教授邀请,德国汉诺威莱布尼兹大学Jakub Ciazela博士来我校访问并做学术报告。


   报告题目:Sulfide differentiation at the slow-spreading ridge magmas (慢速扩张脊岩浆作用中硫化物的结晶分异)



   报告人简介:Jakub Ciazela is a marine petrologist and geochemist focusing on metal transport through the oceanic lithosphere. He started his high school education in Poznań, Poland, and moved to Germany to realize his PhD study at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. He was the first Polish scientist that ever sailed in an International Ocean Drilling Program expedition. He was distinguished with >20 early-career awards including Diamond Grant award assigned by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland (2013), DAAD scholarship (2013), European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD) scholarship (2015), Young Scientist`s Travel Award from European Geoscience Union (2015), Early Career Science Ambassador award from European Association of Geochemistry (2016), and ECORD Research Grant (2017). In addition, he was awarded as the second best student of Poland (2014) and the best student of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań for two consecutive years (2013 and 2014). He received 5 research grants for his oceanic studies. He is an author of 44 abstracts including two oral talks at the Goldschmidt Conference and 10 peer-reviewed articles, including first-author papers in Geology (impact factor 4.64) and Science of The Total Environment (impact factor 4.90). His next work has been accepted pending revisions in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (impact factor 4.61).


   报告内容简介:Slow-spread oceanic crust is thinner and more heterogeneous than fast-spread oceanic crust. These features of the slow-spread oceanic crust affect how sulfides differentiate during magmatic processes and how metals are transported between the mantle and the ocean floor. Where magma supply is high sulfides differentiate mostly through fractional crystallization. Where magma supply is low, sulfides typically differentiate through melt-mantle reaction. Melt-mantle reaction leads to high sulfide enrichment at the contacts of gabbro and peridotite. These zones are often located shallow under the seafloor and are easy to penetrate by hydrothermal circulation. Most seafloor massive sulfides, especially with the highest Cu-grades, occur along slow-spread oceanic lithosphere with relatively low magma supply. This peculiar distribution of the seafloor massive sulfide seems to reflect the style of magmatic differentiation determined by magma supply.




