
英国伯明翰大学Jason Hilton教授学术报告


地球系统科学论坛第588期:Jason Hilton教授学术报告


应地球科学学院喻建新教授邀请,英国伯明翰大学地理、地球与环境科学学院Jason Hilton教授来校交流并做邀请报告。

报告名称Revisiting seed plant origins and phylogeny – delving into the attic of evolution

报告时间2018123日,9:30 – 11:30


报告人简介His research focuses on palaeobotany and evolutionary plant biology and considers the evolution and phylogeny of plants through geological time as well as their palaeoenvironmental significance. Research evaluates plant adaptation in response to periods of profound environmental and climatic change including mass extinction episodes, and the ecological consequences of changes in plant diversity. Multidisciplinary approaches are used to reconstruct fossil plants as biological species in order to understand their systematic and phylogenetic relationships, and to interpret them within an ecosystems context. Broader research foci include community change in fossil floras, the utility of fossil plants as biospheric indicators, the fossil floras of China and characterising past sedimentary depositional environments. He have authored approximately 100 peer reviewed papers in international journals of which >60 are on the Chinese geological successions, addressing a diversity of issues within palaeobotany, evolutionary plant biology and related geological fields.

Until now, he published more than 30 papers (including Nature and Earth-Science Reviews, Journal of System Palaeontology and so on).


