时间:3月27日(周二)上午8-12点 8-12am, Tuesday, March27, 2018,
地点:西区主楼地质斋(308会议室)Room 308, Main Building, West Campus
8:00-8:10致欢迎词Welcome addresses
Session 1a: |
Chair: 黄春菊教授 Prof. Chunju Huang |
8:10-8:25 |
Immiscible hydrocarbon fluids in the deep carbon cycle |
黄放 |
8:25-8:40 |
重金属离子与矿物表面的相互作用 |
袁珂 |
8:40-8:55 |
Sedimentary noise and sea levels linked to land-ocean water exchange |
李明松 |
8:55-9:10 |
Paleogene deformation of the northern Tibetan plateau: from modeling to reality |
程丰 |
9:10-9:25 |
Genesis of the world’s largest rare earth element deposit, Bayan Obo |
宋文磊 |
9:25-9:40 |
Volatiles on the moon - a melt inclusion study |
倪鹏 |
9:40-9:55 |
Incision along the Yarlung River: implication for its reorganization |
李广伟 |
9:55-10:05茶歇Tea/coffee break
Session 1b: |
Chair: 宋海军教授 Prof. Haijun Song |
10:05-10:20 |
Variations in the provenance of aeolian deposits in northern China |
尚媛 |
10:20-10:35 |
Assembly and breakup of core of the Rodinia supercontinent |
温斌 |
10:35-10:50 |
Natural hazards and human decisions |
邵琬云 |
10:50-11:05 |
Temporal and spatial variation of magnetotactic bacteria communities in aquaria and a freshwater pond |
何况 |
11:05-11:20 |
汞的生物地球化学循环及其稳定同位素的应用 |
郑旺 |
11:20-11:35 |
Methane cycling in marine surface and subsurface sediment |
庄光超 |
11:35-11:50 |
钾稳定同位素分析技术进展及应用展望 |
陈恒 |
11:50-12:05 |
Global marine redox changes drove the rise and fall of the early animals |
张飞飞 |