报告时间:2018年4月17日 (周二)下午2:30
报告人:郝记华 博士
报告题目:Linking the Evolution of Geosphere and Biosphere through Trace Elements in the Earth History.
报告简介: Trace elements including nutrients and bio-essential transition metals, play vital roles in constructing biomolecules and cofactors of enzymes. Availability of trace elements is controlled by water-rock interactions under crustal conditions. The solubility and speciation of trace elements are heavily dependent on bedrock composition, redox, acidity, ligands, temperature, and pressure. Therefore, evolution of geochemical environments might cause variations of availability of trace elements, affecting the biological activities through the Earth history. This talk will focus on two questions: How did trace elements behave under the geochemical environments before 2.5 Ga and how did the availability of trace elements influence the origin and evolution of life on the early Earth.
报告人简介:郝记华博士,法国里昂第一大学和法国高师-里昂博士后,研究课题主要围绕生命起源这一问题来开展,包括:氨基酸在早期地球和冰态小行星条件下的行为,核糖核酸在早期地球环境下的稳定性,和早期地球条件下的微量元素的行为对生命演化的影响。郝记华博士2012年本科毕业于中国科学技术大学,2016年毕业于Johns Hopkins University,获博士学位,研究主要集中在太古宙地球地表氧化还原状态,太古宙晚期地表的风化作用,微量元素在水岩相互作用下的行为,以及微量元素在高温高压条件下的水化学。研究生期间(2014-2016),在Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington从事生命起源方面的实验研究。