
美国波尔航空航天公司Michael Veto博士学术报告




 应地球科学学院黄俊副教授邀请,美国波尔航空航天公司Michael Veto博士来我校访问并做学术报告。





   Dr. Michael Veto is a Planetary Geological Scientist and Aerospace System Engineer that specializes in developing infrared remote sensing instruments for the study of planetary bodies. He received his bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering Astronautics from Arizona State University. His undergraduate honor's thesis involved the preliminary systems design of an infrared camera for a student smallsat mission, which folded into the major body of work for his PhD under the tutelage of Professor Phil Christensen at Arizona State University. This involved the completion of development, the integration and testing, as well as the delivery of an infrared camera system onto a microsatellite platform. In addition, he prototyped a detector that was used for the concept development of his advisor's E-THEMIS instrument for the NASA Europa Clipper mission. He has also worked on modeling the thermophysical properties of impact craters and the dynamics of volcanic plumes on Mars. His current interests involve developing remote sensing instruments for Earth and Planetary Science.



2018115230-330 Study of the Enigmatic Polar Spiders on Mars

   The sublimation of the Martian polar caps has been an enigmatic process that has been puzzling for centuries. Blended mosaics of the South Pole’s “Manhattan Island” are presented—created in increments of 10° of Solar Longitude.  Specifically, these mosaics were compiled into movies in order to present a method to better understand the sublimation process.  General trends can be determined from this methodology. The timing of the geyser eruptions was validated to depend upon the slope of the terrain. Finally, the mosaics at the end of the sublimation process all show a haze that is thought to be caused from the final sublimating the CO2 and the dust it carries into the atmosphere.


2018115400-500 Derivation of Thermal Inertia, Realization of Thermal Effusivity, and Analogies

   Thermal inertia is a parameter used for studying the surfaces of planetary bodies. Thermal inertia is defined as the square root of the product of thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat; it has the SI units of joules per meter squared per kelvin per root second and is the ability of a material to exchange heat. Thermal inertia is recognized as thermal effusivity within other fields of science and industry. It is likely that the thermal effusivity, or the thermal inertia as it is known in planetary science, has been measured for much of the clothes and vitamins that planetary scientists have worn and consumed! Thus an awareness of the vast industrial use of thermal effusivity provides an opportunity for new innovations.


2018116900-1000  Thermophysical Properties of Concentric, Alternating Thermal Ejecta Blankets

   Craters throughout Mars have concentric, thermally alternanting, banded ejecta that are thought to match the respective alternating stratigraphy in crater walls. A sample crater is investigated in detail. Stratigraphically, high thermal inertia material is thought to be rockier and sourced from effusive lava flows, whereas low thermal inertia material is thought to be pyroclastic from explosive volcanism. The thermal inertia of the crater and its ejecta was calculated and compared with the topography and visible imagery. Thermal inertia of the ejecta appears to correlate with topography.


201811610:30-11:30 Modeling Explosive Volcanism on Mars Using a Terrestrial Model

   Volcanic plumes on Earth are mechanisms that layer ash across the surface and mix volatiles into the atmosphere. Volcanic plumes likely altered the surface geology and atmospheric conditions in Mars’ distant past. Because remote sensing data indicate that volcanic materials on Mars are mostly basaltic, incorporation of subsurface/magmatic volatiles is invoked in order to create explosive basaltic eruptions. While many numerical models have been constructed to test the convection of plumes for an explicit set of current conditions, they do not couple the conduit and the chamber. The CpiuCpiuC model—which couples the dynamics of the chamber, conduit, and the column all together—has been used to model terrestrial explosive eruptions. Here we apply this model to a set of martian conditions. A sensitivity analysis was performed for ranges of a broad set of parameters to show the relative dominance of various parameters.


20181179:00-10:00 Inspiration, Investigation, and Implementation of THESIS: A student Infrared Camera for a Smallsat Mission

   Small student-led spacecraft support the developing newspace community and provide students the chance to practice hands-on engineering. The Thermal-camera for Exploration, Science, and Imaging Spacecraft (THESIS)—an instrument system consisting of an infrared camera, a visible camera, and an instrument computer that was designed for the Prox-1 microsatellite mission. The goal of the mission is to demonstrate proximity operations around LightSail-B using image-based vectors for closed-loop attitude control. The four goals of THESIS are to provide visible and infrared images that 1) verify LightSail-B deployment of solar sails, 2) provide images for proximity operations, 3) conduct Earth remote sensing, and 4) raise the TRL of small satellite technology for future planetary science small sat missions. Several innovations were completed to create and deliver an instrument subsystem.


201811710:30-11:30 “Necessity is the Mother of Invention”: Various Things Made Along-the-Way in the Maker Movement

A new revolution is taking place where young students and entrepreneurs are making things themselves unlike ever before. This is the Maker Movement. I present a variety of things that I have made along-the-way to help carryout science investigations.



