应地球科学学院张昊教授邀请,美国约翰霍普⾦斯⼤学应⽤物理实验室Andrew Rivkin博⼠于2018年11月8日-10日来校讲学。
报告人简介:Andrew Rivkin博⼠于1991年从⿇省理⼯学院获得地球和⾏星科学学⼠、 1997年从亚利桑那州⽴⼤学获得地球和⾏星科学博⼠学位,⽬前在约翰霍普⾦斯⼤学应⽤物理实验室任Principal Professional Staff,研究专长为⼩⾏星,先后在Small Bodies Assessment Group Steering Committee, the Exploration Science Forum Science Organizing Committee, 以及New Horizons等科学团队委员会担任成员。 (13743)号⼩⾏星Rivkin以他命名。
报告1时间:2018年11月8日(周四) 上午9:30-10:20
报告题目:Water, Ice, and Hydroxyl in the Main Belt
报告摘要:Water-and Organics-rich objects are of intense interest to the planetary science community, and are high-priority targets for spacecraft visits and sample return. However, such visits are rare commodities, and remote sensing via telescopic observations are necessary to obtain the context required for understanding spacecraft measurements. Over the past decade, we have observed hundreds of objects at wavelengths diagnostic for water and organic material. I will present our current understanding of water, hydroxyl, and ice on asteroids, including the ways these objects are and aren't represented in the meteorite collection.
报告2时间:2018年 11月8日(周四) 上午10:45-11:30
报告题⽬:Spectroscopy of Phobos and Deimos
报告摘要:The moons of Mars are of uncertain origin, with some data suggesting they are captured asteroids and other data suggesting they formed after an impact into Mars. Thus far, all of our information about these bodies has been collected remotely, whether from telescopes or spacecraft. I will discuss what we know about Phobos and Deimos from their reflectance properties, including a history of their observations and what is planned for the future.
报告3时间:2018年 11月9日(周五) 下午2:30-3:10
报告题目: Hydrated NEOs
报告摘要: The near-Earth objects (NEOs) are the connection between meteorites and objects in the main asteroid belt. In terms of the volatiles they carry, however, we know less than we do about either meteorites or main-belt objects. I will discuss what we have directly measured, ways of indirectly detecting their hydrated minerals, and the number of objects expected to have hydrated minerals (which may make excellent targets for science or mining missions).