


First Announcement

Summer School for Planetary Science and Exploration in East Asia, 2016

(SSPSEEA 2016, Wuhan, China)

A field of planetary sciences is rapidly growing in East Asia with new challenges of space exploration programs led by the countries in this area. Thus education of planetary sciences as well as an international communication among young students is very important for the further development of planetary science in Asian countries. This summer school aims to educate outstanding graduate students major in planetary science, bridge friendship among them and to provide opportunity for future collaboration in East Asia. Theme of the first SSPSEEA is lunar science and exploration.

Place: China University of Geosciences (CUG) in Wuhan

Joint Conference:2016 SSPSEEA will be held jointly with ISLPS Conference (www.must.edu.mo/ISLPS2016/)

1. Timeline:

June 5(Sun): Registration/Welcome Dinner

June 6(Mon) –June 7 (Tue): Lecture by Prof. James Head (Brown University) and Prof. Clive Neal(University of Notre Dame). The topics will cover lunar geology, volcanology, petrology, mineralogy, thermal history, Apollo sample analysis, etc.

June 8(Wed): Lecture by Jianyang Li (PSI); PDS data handling and practice.

Future explanation plans in US, China, Korea and Japan by CliveNeal, Long Xiao, Young-Jun Choi, and Nori Namiki

Visit to Geological Museum at CUG

June 9(Thu)–10(Fri): ISPLS Conference; All students are required to attend this event (www.must.edu.mo/ISLPS2016/).

Detailed lecture time table will be published in second announcement by April 10.

Acertificatewill be issued to those students passed evaluations by lectures.

2. Registration fee for students

Total fee will be determined by LOC, but it should be less than US$500, including lunch, dinner and accommodation.

3. Important Dates

Jan.30:First announcement and web site opens

Mar. 1: Registration opens

Mar. 31: Registration closes. Registration shall be sent by E-mail to LOC. Studentsshall include information necessary for selection (see 5.)

Apr. 1-7:Student selection (see 5.). LOC helps VISA application of Korean students and others.

Apr. 10: Second announcement with time table

June 5: SSPSEEA begins.

4. Student allocation by countries: 15 from China, 5 from Japan, 5-10 from Korea, 5 from any country. Total students: 30-35.

Numbers of students are limited considering available accommodation and a load of LOC, not only in 216, but also in the future.

5. Selection of students

Korean, Chinese, and Japanese students are selected in the first week of April by organization committee in each country. Students from other countries are discussed by the organization committee via e-mails.

Information required for selection


Year in graduate school


Research interest (a few paragraphs in English)

Recommendation by Advisor (a few paragraphs in English as a separate letter)

6. Contacts:

Japanese Students email to Prof. Noriyuki Namiki: nori.namiki@nao.ac.jp

Korean Students email to Prof. Young-Jun Choi: yjchoi@kasi.re.kr

Chinese and other countries students email to Prof. Long Xiao:longxiao@cug.edu.cn